why choose us

Choosing an AV company – why choose us?

Questions Answered | 09-11-2022
choosing an AV company

Why choose you? This is a question which we sometimes find ourselves answering when we meet new clients. We are one of many AV companies within our area and prospective clients and partners have an abundance of choice when it comes to picking their technology partner in Surrey or London.

Identifying our UDP (Unique Differential Proposition) was a challenge which we were set last year when we started to compile our ‘Brand Bible‘. To begin with I struggled with this. In essence we offer the same range of services as our competition, sometimes we use the same products, systems, and manufacturers. We often work for the same type of client within the same construction teams. So why choose us?

What is it that we do differently to everyone else?

1.     We spend a vast amount of time carrying out due diligence to ensure that the solution we are proposing to the client is the right solution for them. We always insist on a minimum of 30 minutes with an end client to ask them a series of questions which will give us the information required to ensure the system will meet their fundamental requirements.

Sometimes even 30 minutes is difficult given the nature of some clients and their project teams but without this input we are designing a system ‘blind’ and ultimately the client will move in, and it is highly likely not provide them with what they need. There are some very basic core questions which can be asked to ensure that we start off on the right track. Often we can then run with this and continue discussion with the Project Team thereafter. Specifying the right solution is core to our approach. We will never suggest one product over another due to price or manufacturer loyalty. Each system is bespoke, designed to meet the needs of the project.

2.     Sometimes we have clients who are seeking the complete opposite approach! They are equally as passionate and excited about the possibilities as us, and they want to experience multiple parts of the system and explore all the options before making final decisions. We spend days upon end organising demonstrations at our Showroom or at locations across the UK with clients. There is no limit to the number of demonstrations we will organise. This is part of the job I love the most!

3.     We have a full project management team working behind the scenes ensuring that the entire project is always fully co-ordinated. We complete at least 80% of the value of a project before any of the equipment is installed on site. The actual physical installation work is the simplest part if the planning has been completed correctly. We have a Design Team who work closely with our Project Managers to ensure all the documentation (schematics, drawing, floorplans, 3D renderings etc.) are in place at each step of the project. All our termination panels and racks are drawn in advance and used by our engineers and rack builders. Plans and elevations are drawn to demonstrate the scope of our works to all other parties on the project.

4.     We build all our racks offsite – we built a whole facility to do this during Phase 1 of our office project in 2020. This essential part pf our process is more than just a good idea. We do this because:

a.     We do not want the racks or any of the high value equipment to be compromised by dust on site. During a building project we are always last on site, and everyone is typically hurtling towards a tight deadline. This is not the time to bring our sensitive equipment to site, yet the rack still needs to be wired. We can do this safely offsite and wrap the racks until they are needed.

b.     It enables us to pre-commission and program the AV system. We would have gathered all the information regarding room names, account login’s etc previously so the system can be programmed in advance. We invite the clients to come in and play with the system at this point (if they want to) so they can make tweaks to the way the system works. This gives everyone a head start when the project is handed over.

c.     We can detect faulty components (unfortunately we do get some!) before everything arrives on site and resolve these before the installation date.

d.     We dramatically reduce the installation time on site as we are effectively only installing and commissioning when we arrive. If a fault occurs on site, it helps us to narrow down the potential cause because we know that everything worked in the test environment.


It isn’t just one of these things which makes us unique – it is the combination of all the above plus the core values which we hold so dearly as a company and the great team we have working with us.

Please have a look at our case studies linked hereto see what we have been able to do for those who have chosen us.

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